VR Multiplayer Game

 VR Multiplayer game for Demonstrate the bandwidth

Demonstrate the power of 5G and through this 5G medium use Virtual reality to teach the children about how fast 5G is and its benefits. 

Game Module:

1. Speed:

By switching between 4G & 5G engines the user can see the speed differences.

User will be able to interact with the train in real time. As train passes through the mountains the user can see the train significantly slow down in high mountain tracks in 4G mode where in 5G mode the train can easily pass through.
Trainer: One of the user will then explain the using a virtual information board about how having 5G speeds will benefit us.

2. Density:

the train must now climb a high mountain, but it must carry some load and packages with it.

The children will load packages onto the train with the 4G engine and watch it move, as they keep loading packages, the speed starts to reduce. Thus teaching that the more devices we use at one single 4G connection the slower the connection gets.

But when the train engine is switched to a 5G engine, even after the children loads many packages , the train still moves at a constant speed and is able to climb up the mountain.

Trainer then explains this concept to them.

3. Latency

As the train passes through another valley the children will have to play a mini game, where they must press four buttons all at the same time to open the gate barriers, which are blocking the trains path, but they must work as team to open it, since the buttons is on 4G speed there will be a delay between each of them, thus they wont be able to open all the gates at one time.

The trainer will then flip the switch change the buttons to 5G and the children can then open the gates by pressing all four buttons at the same time. Trainer then explain the concept of latency


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