
Virutal Reality

The buyer wears a Head-gear that immerses them ‘inside’ the project – inside your project – the buyer walks on your driveway, sees the view from the balcony, hears the chirping of the birds… the buyer feels – experiences living in your creation. The buyer can choose to walk as long as she/she wants or we can teleport a buyer to any corner of the project… It is true real-scale.  The only solution with: ● Fully interactive application ● Virtual project in real world scale ● Full scale photorealistic VR experience ● An Application for all devices ● Live Video call - Remote presentation It is unique, riveting and leaves a permanent impression on their minds.  Does it help build recall, does it help convert –  Yes it does!

VR Multiplayer Game

 VR Multiplayer game for Demonstrate the bandwidth Demonstrate the power of 5G and through this 5G medium use Virtual reality to teach the children about how fast 5G is and its benefits.  Game Module: 1. Speed: By switching between 4G & 5G engines the user can see the speed differences. User will be able to interact with the train in real time. As train passes through the mountains the user can see the train significantly slow down in high mountain tracks in 4G mode where in 5G mode the train can easily pass through. Trainer: One of the user will then explain the using a virtual information board about how having 5G speeds will benefit us. 2. Density: the train must now climb a high mountain, but it must carry some load and packages with it. The children will load packages onto the train with the 4G engine and watch it move, as they keep loading packages, the speed starts to reduce. Thus teaching that the more devices we use at one single 4G connection the slower the connection g